ACI partner with innovative appraisal software provider L2P Enterprise Ltd (L2P) who provide a modern and streamlined online portal for your connected doctors to manage and populate their appraisals and take the administrative stress out of their annual appraisal. They can build their portfolio as they go through the year and once they have an L2P history, boxes will self-populate in subsequent appraisals to save repeating things year after year. The system is user friendly and has a colour code to show where the doctor has reached. You can even log in on your phone and take a photo to upload a document to the appraisal, rather than scanning it.
Many agencies and trusts use L2P as their appraisal software so if a doctor changes designated body they can simply take their appraisal portfolio and grant access to their new organisation. If you have previously used L2P, once you give us your permission, we will attach you to our dashboard which saves you providing all of your previous appraisal outputs.
L2P now reference the new GMP domains and uses appraisal version 2022 which is a much more simplified version of the medical appraisal.