Customer Feedback and What It Says About Our Team


We all like good feedback and encouraging words from our customers or people who we do workfor or look after. We at ACI are no exception and we always make a point of collecting and then reviewing feedback from individuals who have been on our courses. As a worst-case scenario, it throws a light on things that might beable to do to improve further, but it’s also quite instructive in showing us what we’re doing right.

One great example comes from some feedback sent in about one of our members of staff, from someone who had attended the course she taught.

“Your personality in dealing with people speaks for itself,” he began, which is a great start- because it indicates that themembers of our team are very much “people people” i.e they thrive being around others including those whom they teach. This is, we firmly believe, an essential skill in our line of work- but you might be surprised how often individuals in some companies lack these “soft skills”.

Going on, the attendee said that he “learned something new… we learn every day and today I have added to my strength [in] human relations…” It’s always pleasing to see that individuals on our training courses have, through the skills of our trainers, enhanced their own skills indealing with the challenges and stresses of their work- specifically, in this case, with interpersonal relationships in the work setting.

A few further recent snippets of feedback sent in by course attendees include “I had a great time refreshing all the information and skills”, and “Thank you very much for having me for the training session which I've found very useful”. It’s quite telling that a large number of attendees on our courses, when sending in their feedback, take the time to add an individual message such as these above.

“I had plenty of time to ask questions, trainer very approachable”, writes another recent attendee. This is critical, as we allow the attendees time to obtain more information or go over things that they might not have fully understood at first listening or which they may need further clarification on. That the trainer was approachable is a key part of this. The attendees need to feel that they can and are even encouraged to ask these questions if and when they need to.

Finally, a little note on professionalism and providing real-world examples: “The facilitator was fully equipped and prepared as she has a practical scenario to back up every question asked”, writes another attendee of a recent course. Having practical scenarios to inject into the discourse is a great way to link the theory of the subject matter with the real world and the attendee’s day to day job.

We hope these little examples of feedback from some of our happy trainees give you an insight into how we work here at ACI and the approach we take to the learning process!